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- A fully managed container orchestration service that makes it easy for you to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications.
- Only support Docker containers.
- Tasks and Services:
- Tasks:
- A task definition is required to run Docker containers in Amazon ECS which defines:
- The Docker image to use with each container in your task
- How much CPU and memory to use with each task or each container within a task
- The launch type to use, which determines the infrastructure on which your tasks are hosted
- The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in your task
- The logging configuration to use for your tasks
- Whether the task should continue to run if the container finishes or fails
- The command the container should run when it is started
- Any data volumes that should be used with the containers in the task
- The IAM role that your tasks should use
- A Task is a running container.
- Can be invoked by CloudWatch Event/Event Bridge.
- Can autoscale via CloudWatch Metric.
- Service:
- Allows you to run and maintain a specified number of instances of Tasks. It is usually used for long-running processes.
- Can be configured to talk to an ALB
- Manages worker nodes – either an EC2 or Fargate
- 2 Launch Types:
- EC2 Launch Type
- Requires an ASG
- Requires an agent installed on the EC2 (not required to be installed if used AMI for ECS)
- Can have it’s private IP or use VPC IP
- Fargate
- Serverless offering. Does not require to provision EC2 instances.
- Will assign an ENI for each running task.
- Will use VPC IP.
- Integration with ALB (Dynamic Port Mapping) for EC2 Launch Type. Must allow in Security Group ALB access to all ports. Fargate use fix port (ENI)
- Requires 2 types of IAM Roles:
- EC2 Instance Profile:
- Used by the ECS agent to make AWS API calls (e.g. CloudWatch, ECS service)
- ECS Task
- Used by the ECS task to make AWS API calls.
- Good practice to use different roles for each task,
- Normally use EFS for task volume.
- Rolling Update
- Uses Minimum Healthy Percent and Maximum Healthy Percent
- Minimum Healthy Percent – the minimum number of tasks that must be running as a percentage of the total.
- Maximum Healthy Percent – the maximum number of tasks that must be running as a percentage of that total
- Example 1:
- 4 Running Task; Minimum= 50% Maximum = 100%
- Cannot add new version before terminating the old version since Maximum = 100% (i.e. current running task is already 100%)
- Can only terminate 2 instances for replacement (50 % of 4) before adding a new version.
- 4 Running Task; Minimum= 50% Maximum = 150%
- Can add additional 2 instances since the Maximum is 150% before terminating the old version (so total is now 6)
- Can terminate 2 instances and replace them with a new version so we can maintain 4 running tasks.
- A managed Kubernetes service
- 2 Launch Types:
- EC2 Launch Type
- Requires an ASG
- Requires an agent installed on the EC2 (not required to be installed if used AMI for ECS)
- Can have it’s private IP or use VPC IP
- Fargate
- Serverless offering. Does not require to provision EC2 instances.
- Will assign an ENI for each running task.
- Will use VPC IP.